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Tips On Making Your Selfie Like A Pro

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We live in a selfie-obsessed era. Whether you walk right into a cinema or take a walk in the park, the majority of the population will have their phone glued to their hands all-ever ready to snap a selfie. Selfies are just another form of self-portraiture. It is taken by yourself, not by a photographer but you and there is an absolute sense of freedom to genuinely express yourselves to build your own self-image. The best part of all, selfie allows one to accept themselves and to become more confident with our appearances.

Did you know that there is an art into taking a perfect Instagram selfie? Be it in your best angle or posture you are who you snap out of your smartphone, ONLY when it’s done in the right way. Let’s dig right at it. 
We’ve seen it all, from celebrities to beauty and fashion bloggers – A flawless perfect selfie! It seems that they look better than most of us because they are more photogenic??? But there’s actually more to it and the No.1 successful tip is lighting! 


I’m pretty much sure you have heard this number of times now! Lighting is crucial in any photograph and right there is your key success for your selfie. Whether it’s natural light (preferably natural) or an outdoor shoot, make sure the light is towards your face as this will make your skin glow and look amazing.

Find your signature pose.


It is important to find your body language composition during a selfie. Strike your favorite pose! One hand on hip? Mirror selfie? Slightly pouted lips? Duck-face? Anything that brings your inner confidence, do it anyways. 


A perfect angle gives the perfect leverage over controlling your background and controlling how you look in the picture. A quick tip to get your angle right – My personal selfie hack, I always hold my phone slightly above my head and tilt it down at myself at my best angle and this helps makes my face structure slimmer and it outshines my face in the best possible way. Try it! Picture as shown above

`There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.’

~Ernst Haas


The most common failing factors are when you take a picture in a dark and gloomy background especially a public bathroom or darkroom selfie. Now there is nothing wrong at this but it’s absolutely necessary to take care of our selfies background. This drives different energy through your pictures and it does reach your audiences. Sometimes because of the choice one made in a poor background selection selfie, we often have seen it turns into a memes/joke. Don’t let that happen to you! 


Don’t be shy to use editing software in your photos. I started using Instagram exactly 4 years ago and I never thought of editing my pictures. I often strive for good lighting for a selfie but it often lands me in poor creativity on my own pictures. When I started exploring the social media platform and learning the skills to perfect selfies or a picture, I came to realize that even a high-end photographer uses editing software to enhance the look of their model! Thanks to America’s Next Top Model, I often see how Yu Tsai makes magic on his artworks. Use anything that suits your niche. I use only VSCO, Facetune, Adobe Photoshop & Light-room. All this app offers advanced functions, including shutter speed and white balance controls, which keep colors accurate in my photos. Do not be afraid to venture into editing, you never know what the outcome of your picture will be. 


Lift, smile, shoot from above. And, just before you snap, don’t be afraid to throw out all the tricks and just be you. Laugh, smile, frown, stick out that tongue. Whatever you’re feeling, let it be freely expressed. You may not look like a supermodel, but you’ll look like your authentic self. And that is exactly what a good selfie is all about.
Would you like to know how I edit my pictures? Let me know in the comments below and I will plan on an article. 


  1. 2 November 2016 / 7:27 AM

    fun post! lightning is key, it’s all about that light ^^

  2. gerald
    11 November 2016 / 5:52 PM

    This is great…very insightful

  3. Vishesh
    11 November 2016 / 6:56 PM

    I am very bad at taking selfies to be honest. I will start to taking better selfies from now. Thankyou 🙂

  4. Vishesh
    16 November 2016 / 1:43 AM

    I have found that your thoughts are very practical in your writings and that reflect your daily attitude towards the world. As I take the pleasure of reading your topics, would you mind writing about whether quantity time or quality time with your family and loved ones is important or otherwise?

  5. 16 November 2016 / 11:53 AM

    Thank you for your recent follow if my blog!

  6. 16 November 2016 / 11:53 AM

    Oops, of not if, lol!

  7. 20 November 2016 / 11:42 AM

    Thanks to you I can start taking better selfies. Great read! ❤️☺️

  8. 23 November 2016 / 1:30 PM

    Thank you Vish, I’ll surely look into this proposed topic and journal on it. Thank you for reading.

  9. visheshmarin
    2 August 2018 / 2:32 PM

    Read this Article after a long time.

  10. geoffreygeory
    9 June 2019 / 8:27 PM

    You are so good in explaining 🙂

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