weekly vlog

Not Growing On Instagram? Here are 5 Questions To Ask Yourself

Instagram is no longer just an entertainment platform, people have turned it into full-blown careers and there is nothing stopping you from doing the same. But, many aspiring influencers find that their follower count is stuck in one place, or worse – going down. If you are not growing on Instagram, here’s 5 question to ask yourself:

Here’s what may be the reason for that and how to fix it.

1. Are your photos good enough?

You don’t need to be a professional photographer to be successful on Instagram but you do need to have a basic understanding of camera angles and lighting. Having a high-quality camera is another bonus. Also, add some flare to your pics with filters and some editing tricks. A few minutes you’ll put into that will pay off big time.

2. Do you have the right strategy?

If you want your potential followers to take you seriously and click that follow button then you need to take posting on Instagram seriously. Don’t just port random content whenever you feel like it. Think about who your target audience is and create a content strategy that will attract them to your page. As for the type of content itself, build it around a few “pillars” (i.e. several different types of content).

3. Are you using relevant hashtags?

It will be almost impossible for your photos to reach their target audience if you don’t use relevant hashtags. You can use up to 30 hashtags on each post so if you want your post to succeed use them up, but make sure they are related to what is in the picture.

4. Do you post often enough?

If you post too rarely you will not show up in the search results as much which may stifle your growth. On the other hand, if you post 5 pictures a day that are quite similar your followers may find that quite annoying and they might actually unfollow you. You need to leave your followers wanting more. Also, post at regular times. There are a lot of tools out there that can analyze your account and tell you when your audience is most active.

5. Do you use captions?

Although Instagram is a picture-platform seeing a lot of photos with no captions to provide context can be quite annoying. Say a few words about the picture. This will make your prospective followers more invested in your brand.


1 Comment

  1. 29 March 2021 / 3:38 PM

    Well said

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