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6 Ways To Increase Organic Search Traffic To Your Blog

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If you’re finding yourself in a bit of slow-moving blog traffic, this article’s here to help! Here are 6 ways to help you increase your blog’s traffic without needing to be an expert marketer or pay for promotions. Now, let’s get crackin’ on those tips, yes?

6 Ways To Drive More Traffic To Your Blog

  1. Put Effort into SEO – Search Engine Optimization

One of the most effective ways to drive more traffic to your blog is to make your blog more search engine friendly through practices like linking, target keywords, and page speeds. And, contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be an SEO expert to utilize SEO effectively. There are plenty of SEO tutorials, plugins, and tools online to help with this. Since my blog is on WordPress, I effectively use these two plugins:

  • Yoast SEO
  • MonsterInsights

2. Utilize Internal Links

Internal linking is when you link to your older posts from your new posts. Incorporating these links plays an important role in SEO because it can help search engines understand the relationship between your blog articles which can affect ranking signals. And, strategically placing these links can help increase pageviews and reduce bounce rate.

Imagine this, if a reader comes upon your article casually, they can click to these URLs to explore. This can lead to them learning more about your blog and becoming active users. For maximum effect, you’ll want to make these internal links as natural and relevant as possible! Besides, this strategy can also help boost your SEO.

3. Write Catchy Headlines

While this might sound obvious, don’t underestimate the power of a catchy headline. When users find your content while searching, the first thing they see is your headline. And, as we all know, catchy headlines stand out and tend to get more clicks. Entice readers to visit your blog by writing headlines that invoke emotional responses and tell readers why an article is valuable, and don’t forget to include target keywords.

4. Create Email Lists

Give your visitors reasons to keep coming back by asking them to subscribe to your blog via email. Starting an email list can be intimidating because you just wrote everything you wanted to say in your blog, so what else is there? Don’t let this stop you. An email newsletter can include anything you’d like from alerting users to new posts or giving blog subscribers access to exclusive content. Stay connected with your viewers with a gentle reminder of the content that pulled them in, to begin with.   

5. Share and Repurpose Your Content On Social Media

You’ve already done the hard work, creating blog content, now increase your blog’s exposure by sharing and repurposing it to social media platforms to drive more traffic to your blog. For example, if you’ve written an article on how to drive traffic to your blog, consider converting the information to a carousel on Instagram, a thread on Twitter, or videos on YouTube and TikTok.

6. Optimize Your Blog’s Website Speed

While this may not be the most exciting or the most obvious way, in a world of instant gratification, faster-loading website pages can help drive traffic to your blog. No one wants to wait for websites to load, and search engines know this. That’s why website speed for fast-loading pages is an important ranking factor. To make sure you have a fast-loading webpage, optimize your images, use caching, and avoid unnecessary bloat.

While these tactics can work individually, they have the potential to drive even more traffic to your blog when stacked. Try using your target keywords to rank on Google to get search traffic, then try asking these users to subscribe to your blog to gain even more traffic on future posts.

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