weekly vlog

30 Lessons I Learned Before Turning 30


I just turned 30 last weekend, and the shift into a new decade of my life has felt incredibly liberating and peaceful at the same time. I felt ready for this new chapter. My twenties, especially the second half of my twenties, brought massive amounts of growth, in which I felt my darkest shadows and found all of my light. More than any lesson I’ve learned, I’ve learned that the cost of living a wholehearted life is worth it. No matter the challenges, disappointments, or upsets, there hasn’t been a moment of regret. Here are the 30 lessons I’ve come to live by.

Here are 30 Lessons I’ve Learned in Life Thus Far:

For she loved much. May this be my legacy.

1. Choose happiness every day.
2. We all have a purpose.
3. Own your truth and find your voice.
4. Failure is never fatal.
5. Being alone is a gift.
6. Learn how to receive feedback from others. You will grow as a person and as a leader, showing you new ways to thrive.
7. Embrace seasons.
8. Love always wins.
9. Live with legacy in mind.
10. Remember your why & express gratitude. 
11. Time is a precious resource.
12. Nothing is worth your peace.
13. Understand the grace that can come in a moment.
14. Technology is a gift. It brings the world to your doorstep. Navigate it with grace and truth, realizing the impact your voice has. Own it.
15. Forgive so you can live.
16. Find everyday moments to celebrate.
17. Champion the place where you live. It will serve your city, others, and yourself well.
18. There is enough courage to dream.
19. Some battles aren’t worth fighting. Others are worth it. Pick and choose.
20. Find a way to merge your passion and purpose with profit.
21. Be the energy you want to receive.
22. Creativity is a process and a journey. Champion others in their creativity and stepping out.
23. Choose to live a life and story that compels, inspires, and gives life to others.
24. For she loved much. May this be my legacy.
25. Discipline brings margin and breathing room for spontaneity, adventure, and fun.
26. You are only responsible for your own actions and reactions in life.
27. Gratitude and thankfulness move us from one season to the next.

Beauty comes in a stunning spectrum of sights, colors, shapes, and sizes.

28. Your soul made contracts.

  • I truly believe there is a reason for everything and that our souls make contracts with one another to meet in this lifetime for various reasons. Whether it’s love, an opportunity, or an important lesson, there is something special about shifting your perspective into thinking that everyone that comes into your life is for a purpose, and you will grow in some way from that interaction, no matter how short or long.

29. Beauty comes in a stunning spectrum of sights, colors, shapes, and sizes.
30. People are worth investing in. Love deep, love well and watch the transformation happen.

Trusting in the universe

Embrace seasons

When you go through something, let your light at the end of the tunnel be the knowledge that this experience will not only make you stronger, but you will be able to help others experiencing similar circumstances.

Be proud of who you are and the experiences that have shaped you. You may feel like there is no one out there who understands your weirdness, gets what you’re going through, etc. When we decide to own ourselves and share our stories, we realize there are so many others who see a piece of themselves in us. We find community. We can greatly impact the lives of others through our own journeys.

What are some of the life lessons you have learned thus far?


  1. Vichitra Kalaiselvan
    25 June 2021 / 11:24 PM

    I loved loved reading and knowing your life lessons. I could able to resonate with some of them. A few that I would love to share is setting the genuine intention into something brings fruitful results, setting priorities right, be the change instead expecting from others, putting yourself first to uphold the inner peace and etc huhu

  2. 26 June 2021 / 1:35 AM

    dearest Vitchy girl, thank you for always saying such kind words to me. I truly believe you have a long journey right ahead of you and your learning will amaze you. Enjoy your 20’s, live well and have a life worth sharing. Sending you lots of love and prayers! Cherisha

  3. Shanggari Thiagarajan
    4 July 2021 / 10:53 PM

    Always held regret that I wasted soo much of my age and that I’m not doing well like others my age. But this particular post, reminded me how far I’ve come and how much I have room to grow
    Thank you for this
    My personal favorite is Be the Energy you want to receive (I resonate soo much with this at the moment)

  4. 5 July 2021 / 5:32 PM

    my love, you are worth more than anything in this world. our path is unique and what has to happen, will take place in God’s timing. So, you have come so far in life and trust me I am proud of you! sending you lots of love. Cherisha

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