weekly vlog

Let's Rise To Fight Hunger -World Vision Malaysia

Today I’ve decided to share my thoughts on hunger. Have you ever thought about what it’s like to not have food? For some of us, we don’t need to worry about being hungry or staying in hunger because we have food within our reach but there is a mass population in the world and in third world countries that still suffer from hunger even as you read this article. Currently, the number stands at 925 million people that are starving in the world today. 

Hunger is a real issue and a global urgency. 

Inspired by Cherisha

I had volunteered in a number of refugee camps, local volunteering groups to help eradicate hunger in ways I could for many years now but  I wasn’t aware of the global crisis of hunger until I came across the World Hunger Education Service (WHES & HUNGER NOTES) early this year. 

It moved and stir my heart so much that I decided to be in a bigger part of this hunger urgency and dedicate my time finding my path and finding an organization that shares similar objectives as me in my country, and mind you, as beautiful as Malaysia looks we do have many homeless people in the streets sleeping in hunger every single day. 

And I found my match. The perfect organization that is in line with my desires to eradicate hunger & poverty. Lo and behold, my journey had started and I signed up with World Vision Malaysia, to join fight hunger! As a 30 hours famine volunteer.


The 30 Hour Famine is about giving something up for 30 hours – You fast. During this 30 hours of fasting, World Vision organizes multiple fundraising events and games to raise awareness on hunger and poverty. Every dollar you raise counts and every person who hears what you have to say can join and make a difference.

You can choose what you want to give up: Favourite chocolate, Netflix, or Social Media.

My Experience

I personally gave up on food because I want to feel how the hungry homeless people felt as their stomach grumbles in hunger so Yes, for the complete 30 hours long I gave up on food. We had a large group of volunteers that fasted along and I was highly impressed with their vibe. I guess this is what it feels when you find your tribe. 

World Vision 30 hours famine
During the World Vision 30 hours Famine event in Malaysia

As time ticks my hunger started kicking in, not only for me but for the rest of the volunteers too. But we kept our spirits high and told ourselves that we will accomplish this mission of 30 hours famine successfully. The smile on our faces on the above picture shows it all. 

The co-coordinator of the hunger campaign told, ‘tonight when you sleep, you’ll need to keep in mind that there are many children that are sleeping in hunger this very second, just the way you are feeling it‘.

It really did break my heart and I got to my knees thanking God for the life I have. The song from Lincoln Brewster played on my mind:

And I will live
To carry *Your* compassion
To love a world that’s broken
To be Your hands and feet
And I will give
With the life that I’ve been given
And go beyond religion
To see the world be changed
By the power of Your name.’

Lincoln Brewster

And I never turned back ever since.

Yes, make their hunger your fight too. If being a volunteer is too much to handle in your life for the moment, it’s alright. The least you can do is make it a priority to NOT WASTE FOOD and a simple act of kindness sparks thousands of hope into someone else’s life. The 30-hour famine had been a success and I saw the perspective of hunger in a different eye. 

So what are you doing to stop hunger? Share your stories with me! For more pictures, check out my Instagram.

Join the hunger movement today
Kudos to the volunteers in Malaysia!
Many volunteers came in, to make a difference. And indeed it was different.

© 2017 InspiredbyCherisha.com


  1. Vishesh
    13 November 2016 / 9:12 PM

    The 30 hour famine shows how committed you are towards changing the world for the better Sharma.

  2. Vishesh
    13 November 2016 / 9:26 PM

    To stop my hunger, I would stop concentrating on it and instead watch some movie to distract myself.

  3. Vishesh
    16 November 2016 / 1:48 AM

    I have found that your thoughts are very practical in your writings and that reflect your daily attitude towards the world. As I take the pleasure of reading your topics, would you mind writing about whether quantity time or quality time with your family and loved ones is important or latter?

  4. 20 November 2016 / 3:47 PM

    Great Initiative I must say. â˜șâ˜ș?Humanity still exists..keep up the good work!!â˜ș?

  5. 20 November 2016 / 3:49 PM

    Reblogged this on Incredible Pie and commented:
    Yes! They’ve already started..You have to join and contribute in your little way..Believe me Change will happen, Because there are still people who are dedicated to make the change happen.. Support them?â˜ș

  6. 20 November 2016 / 4:03 PM

    Thank You Vivek, you’re doing a great job as well ?

  7. 20 November 2016 / 4:07 PM

    Thanks Cherisha. I liked you name a lot!!â˜ș? I shall cherish it foreverâ˜ș

  8. 30 November 2016 / 3:36 PM

    My husband and I have tried to help children during our 39 year marriage. We joined Christian Children’s Fund when we were first married. We have had around 7 children through them that we put through school and helped their families. We belong to Feed the Children Canada. We are on our second child now. Food and schooling. Here in Canada, we give to Covenant House, a place that takes homeless teens in and helps them get education and a job and gives them a place to live. We also give to the Red Cross and The Bible Society. I guess that’s it. We haven’t done much, but every little bit helps.
    It is wonderful to see what you are doing as a young person. You make God very happy when you do these things to help the starving. God bless you and keep you.

  9. 3 December 2016 / 1:26 AM

    Hello Belle, it’s an overwhelming feeling when I read your comment! I enjoy & adore when people has the heart for the poor and needy. You and your husband is doing a great job there, so give yourself a pat on your back. Every little things you do is a great reward for the children and to God. I’m very happy to know this, we are called to be HIS hands and feet since we are all called to serve one another and to love one another. Continue inspiring as you already are.
    “When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13
    Blessings to you too.

  10. 26 December 2016 / 5:42 AM

    I applaud your vision to end hunger. We are working to start a homestead farm to feed the hungry. Keep up the good work.

  11. 27 December 2016 / 11:53 PM

    Thank you Vish, it’s a life-long commitment

  12. 27 December 2016 / 11:55 PM

    Thank you! Let’s work towards eradicating hunger!

  13. 16 January 2017 / 2:54 AM

    Very inspiring, and I’m so glad you raised awareness!

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