weekly vlog

From Dreamer to Doer: Redefining Success Through Blogging

Many of us have our personal stories. Stories that inspire us to look at our lives differently, and to grow to become mindfully vulnerable by not making the same mistakes over and again. Today, I went into deep thought and remembered why I started blogging. Why do I share so much about myself on the Internet with thousands of other people that I don’t know? Let’s get closer to my story today.

I’m Cherisha

Many people have different reasons why they start-up a blog. For some it is entrepreneurial or event invites while for others, it’s a place to share their thoughts and emotions without limit. Now, it is possible to do both because businesses out there use blogging as an integral part of their marketing plan. I fall under the category of sharing my innermost heart desires through words.

Writing for me is like breathing, it just comes naturally.


I started blogging to share my thoughts, happy moments and even fears to encourage someone out there that relates to me. To be brave enough and know that like every other girl, I too go through a wheel of emotions. There are hardships, struggles, heartbreak, behind-the-scene hustle, and pure joy. Writing for me is like breathing, it just comes naturally. So blogging seemed like a great place to share my thoughts with the world.

How did I get into blogging?

During the lowest point of my life, I found hope in writing. It was precisely 4 years ago I started my blog and named it ‘Inspired by Cherisha‘. I carefully selected this name because I wanted people to read my space and be filled with a positive takeaway each time I write here. The story goes like this, I had a massive hand injury (a right-hand injury due to an unavoidable situation) and I had to leave my well-paid 9 – 5 day job to fully recuperate. That meant, not having monthly credit earnings. While it was good for the next couple of months, slowly my bank account showed me a negative. Bills were piling up and the only thought that I had was, ‘how did I let this happen?’ You see, I am a planner. I plan every single detail of my life and that includes my financial aspect. When I realized things were not going the right way, I panicked. I fell into confusion and constant breakdown. There was once I cried for the entire day not leaving my room. Never had I thought this day would come, my life was falling apart.

I was so consumed by negative thoughts that I let my human heart took over than allowing God’s guidance into my life. It was then during my quiet time with God, I remembered how much I cherish writing since a teenager. I used to write my thoughts in my diary and even won a writing competition in high school, let alone received 100% results in essay writing, and oh! I even got my writing published in my school magazine for 2 continuous years.

So why did I stop writing then? I guess life got busy for me.

It was at that moment I decided, I will start writing again…. but how do I start? Where? ….. Who will read my writing? ….. While I was sharing my concerns with my partner, he encouraged me to start a blog. Then it came to me like a light bulb! I’m gonna start a blog! but my excitement was short-lived. ‘Wait a minute Cherisha, how do you even start a blog? what do you want to write about?

‘Never had I thought this day would come, I was such a planner. My life was falling apart’.


From Dreamer to Doer

I had no prior experience in starting up a blog nor do I have the basic knowledge to build a website. Again, I felt helpless but it was a good kick-it-in motivation because I was done sitting around. I mean my hand is injured but my brain isn’t, so I started doing research on how to start a blog. I invested every day of my time in understanding everything about blogging and how to create a blog, the rest I picked it up along the journey. Sure, it was a lot of work to maintain a website and I didn’t know everything there is to know. It was all rather new to me, I mean what is SEO and what is a plugin supposed to mean? Everything was so new as if I just walked into a new space of work without any guidance from nobody. Google was my teacher.

I surely learned it the hard way. I understood that if you put your mind to something, do it one hundred per cent full-heartedly and God will be in your best interests. Invest your time into learning something new. Blogging was absolutely challenging and new to me but the hardship was what made me love blogging all the way.

Today, I am humble enough to say that I know everything about blogging and ahem, I can create a website for you from scratch.

Redefining Success Through Blogging

Yours Truly, Cherisha

I’m a free-spirited person. I knew that if I set my heart into something I want in my life, I will work to get it done. I always felt that I am destined for greatness and there is more for me in life. Some assume it’s too much to think of ourselves as special, but I don’t honestly mind it. From an early age, I KNEW that I am destined for greatness. Like, I work hard, but I don’t really fit into the 9-5 corporate mould. I just always knew I was meant to do something different.

I want to create my own opportunities and work remotely with a view than working in a cubicle. If I gotta be on the computer, at least let me do it outside. Or in an environment I actually like. And I know if I use my time wisely and put it all in place before having kids, I’ll feel a lot better about what I did with my 20’s – my freedom years. It’s something that control my success with. I decide when I’m ready to put in the hard work, which ultimately makes it easier to do the hard work.

I am always grateful for the opportunities that have come my way as a result of my blogging. I recall my humble beginnings.

If you are planning on writing today, start now. Remember readers, there’s always a niche for everything: Be it beauty, lifestyle, fashion, travel, cooking, motorbiking, fishing …. you can pretty much blog about anything you want. And trust me, when you publish your first post, you should feel proud of yourself. Because your thoughts are now documented on the Internet and someone, in another country, whom you have never met before will be able to read them and relate to you. And God willing, they become your reader, friend, and follower. Of course, our blog will be buried by 1,000,000 search engines but hey, there’s always another day to write a new experience.

What do you think? Is blogging for you? What are you waiting for? Start writing. If you need any help in how to start a blog, you know your girl is readily available to help you with that. Just leave a comment below and I’m gonna help you build the best blog of your life.

1 Comment

  1. 15 February 2021 / 1:01 PM

    Thank you for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write
    ups thanks once again.

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