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4 Steps To Start A Blog For Free

Growing your brand or starting an online business is tough work; there are multiple ways and approaches that people embark on in order to accomplish increased website traffic. But out of all these approaches, what is one of the best ways to grow your audience online? Easy, start blogging! Blogging is a great way to engage audiences online while providing useful content that can help internet users and readers really get a feel for what you have to say. Many have already thought about starting a blog, but few want to pay the prices and costs because they think it’s expensive and not worth it.

If you are in this same boat, or simply don’t have the means for it, do not worry! There are methods to starting your blog for free without paying expensive upfront costs which can hinder your online growth.

Let’s dive into it.

Step 1: Write A Mission Statement

A mission statement helps to understand your passion to ‘why’ you want to start a blog in the first place. It will act as a guide and keep you on track to reach your blogging goals, even during doubtful days.

Write down and ask yourself, what are you passionate about? What makes you want to write every single day? What topics inspire you and get you on your feet?

Finding your passion is an essential part of sustaining a blog in the long course. It will help you find like-minded people who are excited about the same things as you, and it will motivate you to push that little bit harder when it feels like your wheels are spinning.

For me, it is all about growing at blogging and life in the digital world. What is it for you?

One approach you can take to defining your blog’s mission statement is with Porter Gale’s 4-steps:

  1. Make a list of your interests and passions
  2. Discover the sweet spot at the intersection
  3. Describe your tone – Witty, Irreverent, Inspirational etc
  4. Write the mission statement that distils your passions

For you this might be obvious, it may be subconscious, or it could be buried deep down within. Either way, you need to find it and document it. Post it on your wall. Read it every day.

It will keep you on track.

4 Steps To Start A Blog For Free

Step 2: Finding the Right Platform

The first step to starting a blog for free is to find the right platform that best suits your wants. There are many platforms out there, and although many of them seem the same or at least very similar, be sure to do thorough research! A lot of blogging platforms often offer free basic plans, but be sure to watch out for potential limitations that these free basic plans entail..

Some of the most common blogging platforms include WordPress, Wix, Weebly, Medium, and more. WordPress is the #1 most popular platform for blogging (I’m using this) and satisfies many different types of bloggers, but it’s still important to pick the right platform for you. WordPress is one of the best free blogging platforms, and so many people end up using WordPress due to its incredible flexibility and, of course, the fact that it’s free! With nearly everything being able to be customized on WordPress, you can structure your blog however you want.

Once you end up evaluating and choosing a platform, there are only a few more things than you have to keep in mind before you start blogging away!

Step 3: Getting a Domain Name & Host

The second step to start a blog is to find a domain name and a host. Now, this can have two different routes; the absolutely free route as well as the paid route. Let’s first start off with the free route, and then we will mention some paid options that you may be interested in to elevate your blog even further.

The absolutely free option is to have a domain name directly from the WordPress site. However, you don’t get to have a custom domain, which may look unprofessional, such as “www.wordpress.com/myblog,” for example. Additionally, there are options for free-hosting from third-party platforms, but consider that at your own risk. Some hosts can be horrible at reception and it can severely harm the SEO and algorithm of your blogs. The most popular and reliable option is BlueHost, which although you would have to pay a small fee for the basic plan, it’s a great option for your blog if you can afford it.

Step 4: Start Blogging!

That’s really all there is to start a blog for free! One final tip for growing your audience and setting your blog up towards success is to make sure you are writing your blogs with search engine optimization and keywords in mind. Having popular keywords for your blog’s topic plugged into your blog at various points can help it rank higher on search engines such as Google, which gains you a lot more website traffic and monthly visitors. Other than that, have fun blogging!

Well, what are you waiting for?

You’ve got the tips, tools, and tactics to make it happen. The only thing holding you back is yourself. Your fears – Your internal dialogue.

Overcome those fears of failure and make it happen. If I can, then you can too.

Ready to get started?

All it takes is the price of a Starbucks coffee.


  1. 2 March 2021 / 2:24 PM

    Brilliant, i loved this! well written and very informative. Keep up the great content!

  2. 3 March 2021 / 9:01 AM

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  3. Low Mich
    4 March 2021 / 11:50 AM

    Wow! this post is exactly what i am looking for. I have always wanted to start a blog but I find myself clueless over it. You are so well experienced in this field. Could you write more about blogging strategies to earn money? so much love for you!

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