weekly vlog

Dealing With Haters

How do you deal with haters?’

My friend and I were having our casual talk in the cake house across the street… when she suddenly asked me this question. It took me some time to process the deal word because I have come a very long way to face my haters.

People these days are cruel and judgmental. It’s almost cool to pretend that it doesn’t affect us like we have some kind of armor around us but the truth and fact are it hurts. This stuff really hurts, especially when you have got nothing to do with them YET THEY STILL HATE YOU!!

BUT, here my friends are the core TRUTH of HATERS…..

Haters don’t hate you, they HATE the fact that you are successful, but deny it and express negativity toward you and your accomplishments.

Haters look for the smallest mistake you make and proceed to attack you – never acknowledging any of the positives things that you have done. Why do you think most girls hate the Miss Universe winner or a news representative?! It’s simply because they possess’ the confidence, charisma, aura, strong vibe and are bold enough to walk towards their dreams!  And the next thing you can hear from them (the haters) is that “oh she’s got a nose job done, …” she’s just so fake, everything about her is fake”. Disgraceful as it sounds, but this is the reality in the world we live in.

Remember Inspires, no matter what you do and how well you do it, there will always be someone to bring down storm into your life, so it’s important to learn how to deal with haters.


I know, perhaps you guys have done that and it has failed. Maybe you have also done your very best and that too has fallen apart. It’s a lot easier said than done, I too had experienced such and trust me, when you master this art of ignoring them, it’s one of the MOST effective ways to deal with them. Think about it on the brighter side, when haters hate -neither of their hate speech is a constructive criticism nor positive feedback, it has no value to your life.


See here’s a psychological trick on how to reciprocate towards a negative comment, when a hater starts showing their hate speech, they’re looking for a response. Period. All that they actually want to see is your reaction. Now you may ask why? The right answer would be they simply want their feelings to be known.

People who choose to hurt others are the broken souls of the world & they are the ones that hurt themselves often.  

If you’re dealing with people who seemingly find pleasure in directing destructive criticism your way–it could be a close friend, your significant other, your boss/coworker, or even your family member–just remember this: Their hate has nothing to do with how they feel about you, it’s a reflection about how they feel about themselves.


In the midst of all this stress on haters, don’t let your energy be taken away from you. In my life, the most important practice I follow is I would NEVER let my shine to be taken away AND YOU SHOULD TOO. The kindness that you offer to yourself and others can transform a situation (and your life). This also allows for forgiveness, so you don’t carry the stress and negative energy around your haters.

The bottom-line is- haters feel an inner emptiness, living a sad and unfulfilled life, and they try to fill it with the attention of others. In this way, they are boosting their egos. And the more attention you give them, the more food you give their ego to feed on. On the brighter side, show them some love in return. Haters hate because they are jealous of you, your success and your progress. You won’t be able to be where you are today if it’s not for them!

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  1. 14 January 2017 / 1:09 AM

    Thank you for this. Some people are negative and can’t stand someone who has just even a little bit of a positivity. Ya know? I appreciate these words! I love your blog and would love if you’d check my blog out, thanks. ?

  2. visheshmarin
    14 January 2017 / 10:57 PM

    Thankyou for the timely post. Though i have enough knowledge about dealing with haters, this article has boosted my confidence even more. Truly said, ignorning them is one of the effective ways. Thankyou for what you have written 🙂 🙂

  3. 16 January 2017 / 1:25 PM

    Most welcome Vish, in our sane mind that’s the best we can do. Be wise and move on.

  4. 16 January 2017 / 1:29 PM

    I feel you! Hope the article lifts you up, ignore the negativity and embrace your life and walk that’s just it. I did try checking your blog but for some unknown reason it’s blocked in my country. 🙁

  5. 16 January 2017 / 8:30 PM

    Exactly! Thank you for those words. Aw, no problem! Just reading your blog is enough for me. Thank you for trying!

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