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My Story | Pcos Diet Plan (Part 2)

Most of you that have read MY STORY : HOW I OVERCAME PCOS (Part 1), would have had quite an insight about my journey towards recovery, happiness, and self-discovery. Being diagnosed with PCOS isn’t really the end of the world -I was very determined to never let PCOS define me or take control over my life.

So what next? I’m the kind of person who needs clarification as to why I’m doing what I’m doing. I’d really struggle if someone else tells me to do something which I’m not wholeheartedly involved in because I find myself falling in resistance.

Why diet is the key to managing PCOS and what your diet should look like? 

So, the first and most important part of drawing your diet plan is to ask yourself why are you doing it in the first place and what does it benefit you. Let’s be practical, for example, smoking is a habit and when you change a habit you need a clear mind of determination to take control over the habits. You need a piece of evidence to explain exactly why we need to change our diets and what our new diet needs to look like. Trust me, it’s gonna be really tough on you. Especially if you’re an eater and couldn’t resist your meal temptations, so it’s best you draw a diet table back-up plan! And be honest to yourself, do not cheat!


If you are the junk food junkie monster, it’s time to give it up. It’s time to go through your cupboards, fridge, freezer and underneath your pillow to work out what should and shouldn’t be there! This is the initial sacrifice that you will require to do until you get hold of your cravings and get it under your control (inner-strength).

So, what do I mean by junk food? Check out the following food:

  • Crisps/Biscuits/Chips
  • Chocolates
  • Potatoes
  • White rice (carbs)
  • Pasta
  • Dairy products
  • Frozen ready meals – they’re far too processed and contain too many additives
  • Rice cakes (very high GI)
  • Processed meats
  • Sodas (even the diet variety)

There is a reason why I said we need to sacrifice this food (for the time being).

Women with PCOS are often found to have higher than normal insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone that’s produced in your pancreas. It helps the cells in your body turn sugar (glucose) into energy.

If you don’t produce enough insulin, your blood sugar levels can rise. This can also happen if you’re insulin resistant, meaning you aren’t able to use the insulin you do produce effectively.

If you’re insulin resistant, your body may try to pump out high levels of insulin in an effort to keep your blood sugar levels normal. Insights – Too-high levels of insulin can cause your ovaries to produce more androgens, such as testosterone. Insulin resistance may also be caused by having a body mass index above the normal range. Insulin resistance can make it harder to lose weight, which is why women with PCOS often struggle with this issue.

Hence, a diet high in refined carbohydrates, such as starchy and sugary foods, can make insulin resistance, and therefore weight loss, more difficult to control.


  1. Fruits: Strawberries & Blueberries/ Banana/ Dragon fruits/ Seedless grapes/ Pomegranate
  2. Lean protein: Fish
  3. High fiber vegetables: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts & Celery
  4. I drank apple + celery blended juice and green tea (tea-tox)
  5. Nuts: Almond mostly (as snacks)
  6. I completely avoid carbs until I had control over it.

Share with me your PCOS diet plan, I would love to get some ideas from all of you!


  1. 20 January 2017 / 4:58 PM

    This is very informative. I like it. Indeed, eating the right kind of food can make a difference in your body inside and out.?

  2. 11 March 2017 / 7:23 PM

    Great information.. I admire your will power and persistence!

  3. 14 March 2017 / 4:42 PM

    A great informative article! I’m going to try and implement these in my life to try and get a handle on my PCOS! I was diagnosed at 15 and used to have control but lately my weight and cycle have been fluctuating so much!

  4. 15 March 2017 / 11:46 AM

    I’m sorry for you. But there is nothing difficult that we can’t achieve, I believe you will be able to overcome PCOS as much as I am doing now.

  5. 4 April 2017 / 3:20 PM

    Thanks a lot for this. I too am having problem reducing weight with PCOS. Hope this helps!

  6. 3 May 2017 / 11:55 AM

    Just stick with your diet plan and have the culture to exercise, slowly but surely you will see your results.

  7. 23 May 2017 / 4:56 AM

    This was very insightful! I found out I have PCOS. Metformin in conjunction with contraceptives made me feel terrible and did more harm than good landing me in the hospital twice because of it. My doctor took me off of it. I want to reverse it naturally. The insomnia has been a problem for as long as I can remember. I don’t do seafood, I’ve had too many allergic reactions to it so I stay away from seafood, period. I prefer chicken over red meat. Frozen food has never been my thing. Pasta and french fries are my down fall. I don’t like chocolate or soda. I’m a water/tea kind of gal. So, I’m learning and tweaking things as I see what works. It’s difficult since I have a brain condition and I can’t stand for long periods of time or lift anything more than 10lbs. Jump roping or running, anything that makes my head bob up and down messes me with since I do have a shunt from my head to my abdomen. Sorry for rambling, but if you have any other suggestions, I’d love to hear them so I can include it in my lifestyle as well.

  8. 23 May 2017 / 9:56 AM

    Hey love, thank you for sharing. I was happy to read. I’d definitely research on the things you have shared!

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