weekly vlog

How Mindful Meditation Changed My Life

One of the many issues we face in today’s society is keeping up with life’s fast pace. Growing up I had to deal with a lot of emotional imbalance from within. I was raised by a single mother and grew up in the absence of a father, not feeling a father-daughter bond.

Before I knew it, I was already working and carrying a lot of responsibility at a very young age. Even though hands down, I have a loving mother who made everything so beautiful and possible at home despite her struggles. But I grew up way too quickly.

Mindful Meditation Routine

There were days where I would be in a constant state of anxiety just waiting until the next challenge to appear. I was constantly anxious, having little to no sleep, and just not happy. My body and mind were so completely neglected and I felt a lack of inner understanding of what I was doing and where my life was heading. I was at a point in my life where things were going downhill in every way, especially emotionally.

I knew something is missing in my life, I somewhat felt disconnected. I knew I need to change this pattern cause sooner or later this will consume me and exhaust my energy. I sat down with my mother and we had a long conversation one night, that night that changed my life.

I look out the window & appreciate the gift of life

My Journey Towards Mindful Meditation

My mother told me to let go of expectations and embrace life one at a time. Even though I had heard this advice from my mother many times but this time it hit me harder than I froze in time because in that very moment those words definitely shook me up. It felt so real that I broke down in the middle of the conversation. I allowed myself to be in a state of vulnerability and just break down because deep inside my heart I understood the true meaning of letting go of expectations and I wanted to embrace the moment. On that night, I learned the importance of stillness, and the importance of being able to tune in and listen deeply and to just be present.

Since that day, meditation has been a daily practice. I enjoy the silence, I enjoy reading the Bible and this has been an incredible medicine in my life. There are many ways how one can have a mindful meditation and I found my spending time learning the Word of God. Each verse from the Bible only encourages and strengthens my faith and life even more. Now many of you may think I sit with my legs crossed and meditate.

What is mindful meditation to me?

Learning how to become more aware of your own thoughts and emotions without reacting to them. This allows you to really be aware of how you think and feel.

I found out that my beliefs and values were directly creating what I was experiencing in my life. My creativity, ability to create my life as how I want it, increases from day to day. I am able to consciously decide and implement new thoughts and behaviors.

So my humble advice to you starts out small with a few minutes a day, and build on it from there. Wishing you all the best with what could be an incredible turning point in your life.

My Mindful Meditation Time-Table


  1. 19 August 2017 / 3:11 AM

    Hello Cherisha,
    It was hard to grow up for you.I am sorry to hear that. But you are more stronger now than others .

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