weekly vlog

7 Daily Positive Affirmation

Affirmation is an important aspect of my daily life. When I am wake up in the morning, I always project my mind into thinking positively and I subconsciously attract good energy to my morning. Positive affirmation works because the affirmation itself has the ability to believe a stated concept. I always believed in firm affirmations. Affirmation changes our state of mind to become a more willful and strong-willed person. I have been following the below affirmation for years now and I believe this will help to lift you up for a healthy life.

My 5 AM mindful morning routine

My 7 Positive Affirmation

Start each day with a Positive Thought

  • I tell myself that I’m worth it, or today is gonna be a good day and it eventually becomes my reality. I believe in the words I speak, and I know it has power in it. That’s why its really important to be kind to ourselves because your thoughts become what you think and the mind receives your thoughts.

Surround yourself with positive people

  • Absorbing energies from people are contagious. Your mind is a powerful creation and it absorbs both the good and negative energy. Distance yourself to people who pull you down and does not encourage you to become better. Remember, positive people, uplifts your soul and motivate you towards success.

Think about a peaceful life

  • Our mind can easily drift away to negative thinking, let’s admit it who else thinks of pizza at 2 AM while you’re studying? I have. I mean, I’m guilty as charged. See, to break out of a negative thought we have to consciously work our mindset. Instead of giving energy to these thoughts, divert up your attention to visualizing a peaceful life. Envision feeling calm and fulfilled. You will be amazed at the positive vibes that you will feel in your body.

Self-Love ♥

  • I realized that many struggles to love ourselves. Sometimes, I am harsh on myself too yet I still learn to love myself every single day. If you can’t love yourself enough, you cannot expect others to love you back. In difficult times, give yourself the hug that you need. Whether it’s physically, mentally or emotionally love yourself and the people around you.

Let Go

  • Yes, you heard that right. Let go of situations that is beyond your control. Worrying has not served any purpose to anyone to this day. Whatever has to happen will happen and there is nothing you will achieve by worrying about it. In fact, what you worry about will not even happen most of the time. So why waste energy dwelling on worries?

Keep God closer

  • It’s important to remember that your existence is the very power of God in your life. Meditate of becoming aware of your presence and give thanks to God for the good and bad that takes place in your life. This alone will attract positivism into your life.

Smile, smile …….smile!

  • Last but not least, smile away. You don’t lose a dim if you smile. Often times, smiling does a lot of wonders to me. Smiling in every situation brings forth courage, strength, and confidence. It’s so contagious that your smiling aura brings comfort to people that see you!


  1. Tamer
    23 October 2016 / 7:58 AM

    Good one 🙂

  2. Vishesh
    11 November 2016 / 6:38 PM

    Very nice. It’s going to help me in my day to day living. Thank you Sharma for writing this. 🙂

  3. Vishesh
    16 November 2016 / 1:47 AM

    I have found that your thoughts are very practical in your writings and that reflect your daily attitude towards the world. As I take the pleasure of reading your topics, would you mind writing about whether quantity time or quality time with your family and loved ones is important or latter?

  4. 23 November 2016 / 12:06 PM

    I guess it works for everyone who tresure SMILE! Thanks for reading Jess.

  5. 30 November 2016 / 4:54 AM

    It’s really good and encouraging posy, you have a special gift, God bless you

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